Hello everyone, my name is Michael Smith and I teach psychology. I have been studying psychology for many years and would love to share with you all that I have learned. I would like to congratulate you on embarking on a course of self discovery.
The goal of this Blog is to have students and perhaps even parents take a personality type quiz and make a comment about their results and what that means. Here is the website that offers free personality tests.
Just to show I am a good sport here are my results.
For example I received INTJ and that stands for (introversion, intuition, thinking, judgment)
INTJs are one of the rarest of the sixteen personality types, and account for approximately 1-2% of the population.
I would really enjoy to hear about all my students various personality types. Don't forget parents too! Even Harry Potter and the other characters have personality types.
Here are some helpful links that can assist understanding what having a personality type means.
So what did you get?
For any questions or concerns I can be reached at 386-466-2873 or at Michael.smith3@wolves.fgc.edu